Why Do You Overeat?!
Why Do You Overeat?!
Take my FREE Quiz to see the exact reason why YOU overeat!
Take 2 minutes to see your results
And exactly what your next step is to stop overeating right NOW!
Take the quiz
If you:
Continuously feel like you eat until you’re uncomfortably full
Feel like you don’t know why you eat but you just keep turning to food when you’re not even hungry
Know you’re not hungry but you still eat
And want to:
Learn exactly why YOU turn to overeating
Know what to do about it
Get resources to apply in the moment to stop overeating for good!
Finally know EXACTLY why you turn to overeating:
You tend to try to push off hunger, skip meals or snacks to save on calories or eat only half your meal because you "shouldn't" eat it all
You tend to go-go-go all day without checking-in with your emotions only to get home and turn to food to cope with everything you've been suppressing. You turn to food for relief, to de-stress or for a break
You tend to put yourself last! You go to sleep late because you want to relax watching a show or scrolling through social media, you don't plan your meals so end up scrambling last minute and you feel like you're always rushing and moving on to the next task.
You tend to think in black and white and act according to what you "should be doing" or what you "should be eating." You feel like you "messed up" so might as well binge or overeat anyway and start again tomorrow